#!/usr/bin/env php<?phpif (Phar::running()==''){
// if global phptest is called & phptest is also installed to the current package via composer// then only run the package-level install$vendor_install = getcwd().'/vendor/bin/scrawl';
//vendor_install_2 accounts for the composer update that stopped symlinking & started include-ing the target bin script$vendor_install2 = getcwd().'/vendor/taeluf/code-scrawl/bin/scrawl';
if (file_exists($vendor_install)
$args = array_slice($argv,1);
$args = array_filter($args, function($v){
$cmd = "$vendor_install ". implode(' ',$args);
// because composer started using an include() instead of symlink, the #!/shebang line was occuring before `namespace Composer` & causing errors// so now we use `passthru` here to execute the vendor script rather than include it
passthru("$vendor_install ". implode(' ',$args));
// require() the current package's autoloader$cwd_autoload = getcwd().'/vendor/autoload.php';
if (!is_file($cwd_autoload)){
echo"\n\nAutoloader file '$cwd_autoload' not found. ";
} else {
//require own global autoloader$own_global_autoload = dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php';
if (is_file($own_global_autoload)&&realpath($cwd_autoload)!=realpath($own_global_autoload)){
} else {
$dir = getcwd();
$cli = new \Tlf\Cli();
if (is_file($config=$dir.'/.config/scrawl.json')
} elseif (is_file($config=$dir.'/.docsrc/config.json')){
} elseif (is_file($config=$dir.'/config/scrawl.json')){
if (!isset($cli->args['dir.root']))$cli->args['dir.root'] = getcwd();
/////////// backward compatability config changes/////////# old_config_name becomes new_config_name# dir.code becomes dir.scanif (isset($cli->args['dir.code']) && !isset($cli->args['dir.scan'])){
$cli->args['dir.scan'] = $cli->args['dir.code'];
# dir.template becomes dir.srcif (isset($cli->args['dir.template']) && !isset($cli->args['dir.src'])){
$cli->args['dir.src'] = $cli->args['dir.template'];
# dir.template_files becomes template.dirs if (isset($cli->args['dir.template_files']) && !isset($cli->args['template.dirs'])){
$cli->args['template.dirs'] = $cli->args['dir.template_files'];
# convert template.dirs from string to arrayif (isset($cli->args['template.dirs'])&&is_string($cli->args['template.dirs'])){
$cli->args['template.dirs'] = [$cli->args['template.dirs']];
/////////// prepend `dir.root` to these path configs/////////$root_prefix = ['dir.src', 'dir.docs', 'template.dirs', 'file.bootstrap'];
foreach ($root_prefixas$key){
$arg = $cli->args[$key] ?? null;
if ($arg==null)continue;
if (is_array($arg)){
$cli->args[$key] = array_map(function($path) use ($cli){
} else {
$cli->args[$key] = $cli->args['dir.root'].'/'.$arg;
////////// init scrawl & run it////////$scrawl = new \Tlf\Scrawl($cli->args);
$cli->load_command('main', [$scrawl, 'run'], "Generate Documentation");
* Get absolute path to the generated documentation file of a code file.
* @usage `scrawl get_doc_path "/absolute/path.php"
* @arg absolute path to document
*/$cli->load_command('get_doc_path', [$scrawl, 'get_doc_path'], "Get absolute path to the generated documentation file of a code file.");
$cli->load_command('get_doc_src_path', [$scrawl, 'get_doc_source_path'], "Get absolute path to the Editable .src.md file of a .md file.");
// $cli->load_command('init', [$scrawl, 'run_init']);// $runner->backward_compatability();return$cli->execute();